Prerađeni aerosolni proizvodi

30+ godina proizvodnog iskustva
Deodoriziranje i bakteriostatski sprej za miris - knjiga s snijegom za slikanje šljiva

Deodoriziranje i bakteriostatski sprej za miris - knjiga s snijegom za slikanje šljiva

Kratki opis:

Serija Xinyue sastoji se od četiri različita mirisa iz različitih sezona, koja prikazuje ciklus četiri sezone: proljetna breskva, ljetna orhideja, jesen Osmantus i zimska šljiva. Surađujući sa švicarskom tvrtkom Chihuadun, prihvaća ekstrakt biljaka na razini parfema, koji ima prirodni miris i trajni miris. Ispitana od strane autoritativnih institucija, antibakterijska stopa doseže 99,9%, pogodna za spavaće sobe, urede i dnevne sobe, stvarajući ugodno okruženje i poboljšava kvalitetu spavanja.

Detalj proizvoda

Oznake proizvoda

One flower per season, four seasons rotate, the romance of spring, the warmth of summer, the Chen Yun of autumn, and the restraint of winter. The fragrance of four bottles of fragrance in different seasons, spring peach, summer orchid, autumn osmanthus and winter plum, describes the cycle of the four seasons with fragrance, and breaks the conventional shackles of spices in different seasons to gather in a touch of fragrance . The raw materials are extracted from plants, and the perfume is blended in cooperation with the Swiss Chihuadun Company. The fragrance is pure and natural, and the fragrance lasts for a long time. The spray type design is convenient for pressing and spraying where necessary. AA cosmetic level booster gas is safer and more convenient to use. Tested by a third-party authoritative institution, the antibacterial rate is 99.9%, the raw materials are safe, and can be used in bedrooms, offices, and living rooms. By using good spices and adjusting fragrances, we create a comfortable environment for you and improve your sleep quality.

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