Kuphwanya njira yachikhalidwe yonunkhira ndi kununkhira, mpweya wa mpweya umayandikira molekyulu ador, osalongosola fungo, ndikusintha kununkhira kosintha zachilengedwe. Imatengera kapangidwe kamene kaphatikizidwe ka thupi kophatikizika, komwe kumapangitsa kuti achotsetse njira yabwino kwambiri yogwiritsira ntchito. Itha kuthiridwa kukhitchini, bafa, chipinda chokhalamo, chipinda cha ziweto. Kuyesedwa ndi bungwe lachitatu lachitatu, lili ndi antibacterial pamlingo wa 99.9 Zosakaniza zimapangidwa ndi germany's innolux, mothamanga kuthamanga ndi kuthamanga kwa magwero. Chomera chomera chomera chimakhala chatsopano, chambiri, ndipo palibe kukoma. Amapangidwa mogwirizana ndi Switzer Chihurton. Each air freshener has a front, middle and base note note, with floral, fruity and woody aromas… everything. Combining the functions of most air fresheners on the market, we wholeheartedly create a fresh space for you.