Normally, the aerosol product's bottles or cans use four kinds of materials, which are the polyethylene glycol terephthalate, the Polyethylene, the aluminum and the tin. Ma o le apa ato oloa o loʻo i lalo nei, ona o le faigofie ona faʻamavaia e oloa 'raw mea fofo. O le mea e masani ona faʻaaogaina le ulu o le AErooll O le pamu ulu po o le tele o le tele o ituaiga, o oloa eseese e faʻaaoga ai le 'au i lalo o fagu poʻo apaʻau o le pamu.
E tusa ai ma le tagata faʻatau oloa o loʻo fuafuaina, faʻavae i luga o le tagata faʻatau oloa oloa talafeagai e filifili ai le oloa. Matou te totogia pili mo soʻo se oloa faʻamaonia poʻo le mamanu.
O oloa Arool oloa e masani ona vaevaeina i lua ituaiga, tasi afifiina (fefiloi uma mea) aerosol ma vavaeeseina le kesi ma le kesi)
The single packing aerosol is simply filling the material (liquid) and projectile (gas) into a closed pressure container, used by pressing the nozzle to open the valve, with the pressure of the projector to spray the material from the nozzle through the pipe of le alatoto. Its interior is composed of material (liquid) and projectile (gas), the packaging material is composed of metal container (conventional iron, aluminum tank, etc.), valves (male valve, female valve, quantitative valve, etc.), nozzle , faavaa tele.
O le tasi afifi afifi oloa e sili atu talafeagai mo le vailaʻau oona poʻo isi vaega o oloa; the separate packing aerosol product is more used in medicine, cosmetics and other industries, because of its more beautiful appearance, safety and health performance is favored by manufacturers.
E i ai a matou tusi faʻamaonia e uiga i tusi pasi fomaʻi, le tausiga o oloa faʻatau ma oloa faʻaulu mai i fafo ma faʻatau atu laisene.
--- fesootaiga tatou
--- Lafo au manaoga ia matou
--- Fuafuaina lau oe lava gaosiga
--oloa faʻamaonia poʻo le mamanu (totogi totogi)
--- Faʻamaonia / faʻamaonia le oloa faʻataʻitaʻiga, saini le konekarate
- Ia totogi le faʻaaogaina uma ia matou faʻavaeina le feagaiga mo le gaosia, ona totogi lea o le paleni mo oloa gaosiga tiliva.