Perusahaan ngenalkeun jumlah anu ageung staf, penjualan, bakat, sareng henteu tanggung jawab pikeun konsumén.Tambih deui -
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Téknologi paling diropéa kalayan filsafat filsafat ramah lingkungan.Tambih deui -
Saatos jasa jualan
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Kosipika Manamar (Shanghai) Co., ltd. didirikeun dina 1989 anu ngolah produk aerosol pangheulana di Shanghai Prc. Wewengkon pabrik langkung ti 4000 ㎡, sareng éta ngagaduhan 10 bengkel produk sareng 3 gudang. It products the fine chemical productions that includes the aerosol product, the skin care product, the disinfection product and household chemical product.we are the earliest OEM and ODM company, we have the self-created brand professional research and development and the filling center in Shanghai, which includes the cosmetics aerosol,the disinfection and sterilization products, the daily necessities aerosol, the public security fire aerosol, and the medical aviation aerosol as the produk defessing.
Agén anu kuat sareng efektif pikeun dapur ...
Bébas Wéb Body pikeun ngaleungitkeun kokotor sareng ...
Deodorizing sareng colokan seungit baktéri
Domestik Pecif Pamiru Domestik Semprot & # ...
Pilipis seri scrip suling taman tea
Ngarawat rambut / sampo, cuci awak / lotion
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